10 Tribes in Indonesia with the Most Population

Indonesia is known for its motto which reads 'Bhinneka Tunggal Ika' because it has diversity ranging from tribes to religions. There are many tribes in Indonesia that still hold fast to the principles of customs.

Based on census data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) in 2010, there are 1,331 tribes in Indonesia based on provinces spread from Sabang to Merauke. Unfortunately, until this news is lowered the number of tribes in Indonesia 2019 is not known for sure.

Wondering what are the complete tribes in Indonesia? Let's look at the following list of 10 tribes in Indonesia and their origins:

1. Javanese people

The largest tribe in Indonesia is the Javanese tribe that comes from the provinces of Central Java, East Java, West Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This tribe has a total of about 40% of the total ethnic groups in Indonesia. Javanese people are famous for their culture and art which are mostly influenced by Hindu-Buddhist religion, for example the performance of wayang art.

2. Sundanese

Sundanese tribe is the second largest tribe in Indonesia. Many already know this tribe because of its distinctive music game made from bamboo, namely angklung. In fact, sundanese people are the first to conduct diplomatic relations with other nations, the people are Sang Hyang Surawisesa or King Samian. He had diplomatic relations with the Portuguese in Malacca in the 15th century. This is evidenced in the Sundanese-Portuguese Inscription.

3. Batak people

Furthermore, there is the Batak tribe which is a collective designation for residents of Tapanuli and North Sumatra. Apparently there are some parts of the Batak tribe including the Batak Toba, Batak Pakpak, Batak Mandailing, Batak Simalungun and Batak Karo.


4. Madurese

Based on the 2010 census, madura tribe includes a large population of about 7,179,356 people in Indonesia. This tribe comes from Madura and around East Java province. The tribe also migrated to other regions such as Central and West Kalimantan.

5. Betawi people

Betawi people generally live in the Jakarta area because they are descendants of residents in Batavia since the 17th century loh Detikers. This tribe is also a well-known tribe among other tribes in Java island and has a mascot in the form of dolls ondel-ondel.

6. Minangkabau people

Minangkabau tribe or commonly known as Minang tribe because it refers to cultural and geographical. The Minang tribe was the heir to the old traditions of the Malay and Srivijayan Kingdoms who enjoyed trading.

7. Bugis people

The word Bugis comes from the word 'To Ugi' which means Bugis people. Bugis people are a group of ethnic groups from South Sulawesi. The tribe belonged to the Deutero Malay tribes that had entered the Indoensia region after the first wave of migration from mainland Asia. Nowadays, Bugis people travel to various provinces in Indonesia to foreign countries.

8. Malays

The next tribe discussed was the Malays. The tribe is an ethnic group of Austronesians who inhabit the Malay peninsula to the coastal island of Borneo including Malaysia called the Malay nature. The name Melayu comes from the Malay Kingdom that once existed in Batang Hari River, Jambi. Malay usage extends beyond Sumatra and continues to expand to Java, Kalimanta and Peninsular Malaysia.

9. Arabs


This tribe is a tribe that has mixed Arab and indigenous Indonesian blood. Early in his arrival, they lived in Arab villages scattered in various cities in Indonesia. Unfortunately, during the Dutch colonial period they were considered as foreign easterners along with Chinese-Indonesian and Indian-Indonesian tribes.

10. Bantenese

Bantenese are one of the next largest tribes that are also Sundanese who inhabit the former territory of the Sultanate of Banten. Bantenese people generally use Bantenese, one of the Sundanese dialects that refers more to the rough Sundanese language.



Source : https://travel.detik.com/domestic-destination/d-4708589/10-suku-di-indonesia-yang-jumlah-populasinya-paling-banyak


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